Friday, February 24, 2012

Extremely critical. problems with OLAP SERVER (sorry)

I am so sorry fot insist this way, such be a pain, i know but it is very
A lot!
When I launch my routine from our back-end vb appears this:
Cannot open connection to Analysis server 'BUESSQL01'.
Error in data [Possible data corruption] ''
Set m_dsoServer = New DSO.Server
m_dsoServer.Connect m_strMDSERVER
What is happening?
-That servers is reached via PING.
-OLAP services are up and running.
-OLAP server belong to NT domain.
-User which is being responsible for that (via vb code) belong to NT Domain.
Any help will be welcomed.
Thanks,1. Ping is against a different service, so it has nothing to do.
2. Service running and database corruption are two different things
3. Domain membership does not appear to be the problem here (database or use
It does not appear that you have an authentication issue, based on your
post. I would check your analysis services database and make sure it is not
corrupt. If it is, no amount of tinkering will help.
Gregory A. Beamer
Think Outside the Box!
"Enric" wrote:

> I am so sorry fot insist this way, such be a pain, i know but it is very
> critical.
> A lot!
> When I launch my routine from our back-end vb appears this:
> Cannot open connection to Analysis server 'BUESSQL01'.
> Error in data [Possible data corruption] ''
> ..
> Set m_dsoServer = New DSO.Server
> m_dsoServer.Connect m_strMDSERVER
> What is happening?
> -That servers is reached via PING.
> -OLAP services are up and running.
> -OLAP server belong to NT domain.
> -User which is being responsible for that (via vb code) belong to NT Domai
> ?
> Any help will be welcomed.
> Thanks,
>|||Have you changed your password lately? I have seen this error when I change
my network password but still have an open connection (remote) with the old
password. If this is the case logoff and login again.
"Enric" <> wrote in message
>I am so sorry fot insist this way, such be a pain, i know but it is very
> critical.
> A lot!
> When I launch my routine from our back-end vb appears this:
> Cannot open connection to Analysis server 'BUESSQL01'.
> Error in data [Possible data corruption] ''
> ..
> Set m_dsoServer = New DSO.Server
> m_dsoServer.Connect m_strMDSERVER
> What is happening?
> -That servers is reached via PING.
> -OLAP services are up and running.
> -OLAP server belong to NT domain.
> -User which is being responsible for that (via vb code) belong to NT
> Domain.
> ?
> Any help will be welcomed.
> Thanks,

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