Sunday, February 26, 2012

Facing Problem

Well I am the MS-SQL user I always face the problem in my application.
After some time my application stop working goes in to the not
responding stage. Then I have to KILL some session which are SPID > 51.

After this my problem is getting resolved after this I can able to
create new sessions. Please help me ot with this issues.


ShaileshYou've really told us nothing here. Have you determined if there is a
blocked process? what happens if you run sp_who?


Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada

"VU2LOC" <> wrote in message
Well I am the MS-SQL user I always face the problem in my application.
After some time my application stop working goes in to the not
responding stage. Then I have to KILL some session which are SPID > 51.

After this my problem is getting resolved after this I can able to
create new sessions. Please help me ot with this issues.


Shailesh|||Hi Shailesh,

Check out if there are any transactions not being committed that may be
causing blocks..

Check for open tran, DBCC OPENTRAN - look it up in books online to
understand its use.

Run sp_who2 and check for any spids that are blocked, a number in the blk

Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP - free video tutorials

"VU2LOC" <> wrote in message
> Well I am the MS-SQL user I always face the problem in my application.
> After some time my application stop working goes in to the not
> responding stage. Then I have to KILL some session which are SPID > 51.
> After this my problem is getting resolved after this I can able to
> create new sessions. Please help me ot with this issues.
> regards,
> Shailesh

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