Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Failed to insert.

I am trying to insert into a sql server 2000 enterprise edition database from a .net application. but I keep getting the error server doesnot exist or access denied. I can connect to the server from query analyzer and sql manager. The database is running on windows 2003. The only thing I don't see is the ASPNET sys account not on the login database. I don't know how to add that.

Here is the connection string that I have always used and worked before.

Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Data Source=DEVELOPERS,1433; Initial Catalog=CMLTODB;User ID=sa;Password=password


You are hardcoding a username and password thus the ASPNET user does not need to be in the log in database.
Your connection string looks good. Some things to consider:
- Can you ping DEVELOPERS from your ASP.NET box?
- Is your SQL server in mixed or Windows Auth mode? It needs to be in mixed?
Check this article for a complete list of possible issues that cause this error:

Hi Jason!
I will check the link you provided, but I even put the application on the same server as the database. It still give me the same error. I changed my connection string to use the local server. It did not help either.

My database authentication is already in mixed mode.




Try this url it has visual walk through, assuming your application is not handling money transactions. Hope this helps.http://duhnetnuke2.net/Default.aspx?tabid=64

Kind regards,

Gift Peddie

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