Friday, March 23, 2012

Failed to create snapshot while bulk copy large table with TEXT/IMAGE field

Dear all,

Please help us on the snapshot bulk copy issue with a TEXT
field. The snapshot agent was failed with below message:

The process could not bulk copy into table '"Enclosure"'

We have a big table about 170,000 records that needs to
replicate to other sites. There is a TEXT field in this
table. Here is the table schema..

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Enclosure] (
[Identifier] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[sCommentId] [varchar] (15) COLLATE
Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sEncName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE
Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sUserId] [varchar] (15) COLLATE
Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[dUpdateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[sContent] [text] COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS
[msrepl_tran_version] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,
[rowguid] uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL

The "Identifier" field is an auto-generated primary key
(by newid()) of this table. The table is built on SQL
server 2000 SP3 over Windows 2000 sever SP4.

For this problem, I've searched in the news group and
google for the solution. I would summarize them as below:

1. Check disk space:
Our disk space should be enough. We have 3GB in system
partition and 120GB in data partition. All snapshot and
database file are located on the data partition. The data
file of this database that need to replicate is only 170MB.

2. Try BCP.exe command line
We tried to execute
[ bcp "select * from repl_test.dbo.Enclosure" queryout
snapshot.txt ]
in the command line. It can finish successfully but it
showed that it only bulk copy 36739 records out of 170,000
records. We do not have any idea about this result.

3. Make the TEXT field to be non-NULL
We fill an empty character ('') for the NULL value in the
TEXT field but the snapshot still cannot create

4. Change configuration "max text repl size (B)" with
We check the maximum length of the TEXT field by [ select
max(datalength(sContent)) from Enclosure ]. Then, we
use "sp_configure" to set the "configure_value" of "max
text repl size (B)" entry to be 2 times of the maximum
length of the TEXT field. However, it shill cannot work!

Above suggestions did not work in our problem. The
snapshot still cannot create successfully. Finally I try
to modify the data type of TEXT field to be VARCHAR(7500)
then it can create snapshot successfully. Although it can
work, it's not really what we need.

I also tried to reduce the row number to see if bulk copy
has row limitation. When the row number become smaller
(about 10,000 records), the snapshot can create
successfully with the TEXT field.

I am not sure it's a bug or limitation of SQL server
replication. Could anybody help us on this urgent issue?
We are exhausted on this problem :~~. We need your advice
about this issue.

Thanks for your help!!

Best regards,

Check the disk space for the Distribution database - if its small ( monitor space taken for 5000 rows then 10000 rows ) , try moving it to a bigger drive if need be.

You may also want to check the snap shot replication folder location - again it could be a space issue.


How to specify alternate snapshot locations (Enterprise Manager):

In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand the Replication and Publications directory, select a publication, right-click the publication, and then click Properties.

On the Snapshot Location tab, select Generate snapshots in the following location option, and then type a Universal Naming Convention path or click the browse button (...) and browse for the location where you want to save snapshot files.



Thanks for your answer. I just adjust the file location of "distribution" and snapshot folder to a 120GB free disk partition. The source database is only 170MB. Beside this, the winnt\temp directory has 3GB free in system partition. I think the disk space should be OK.

I just tried the bcp.exe command again. I found it only can bulk copy 36188 records out of original 170000 records. All data length of the TEXT file and total data rows are under snapshot agent's defaults.

bcp command:

bcp repl_test..Enclosure out enclosure.bcp /Usa

Defaults of snapshot agent :

M i c r o s o f t S Q L S e r v e r S n a p s h o t A g e n t 8 . 0 0 . 7 6 0
C o p y r i g h t ( c ) 2 0 0 0 M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n
M i c r o s o f t S Q L S e r v e r R e p l i c a t i o n A g e n t : C R M 2 - r e p l _ t e s t - r e p l _ t e s t - 1 1

S e r v e r :

D B M S : M i c r o s o f t S Q L S e r v e r
V e r s i o n : 0 8 . 0 0 . 0 7 6 0
u s e r n a m e : d b o
A P I c o n f o r m a n c e : 2
S Q L c o n f o r m a n c e : 1
t r a n s a c t i o n c a p a b l e : 2
r e a d o n l y : N
i d e n t i f i e r q u o t e c h a r : "
n o n _ n u l l a b l e _ c o l u m n s : 1
o w n e r u s a g e : 3 1
m a x t a b l e n a m e l e n : 1 2 8
m a x c o l u m n n a m e l e n : 1 2 8
n e e d l o n g d a t a l e n : Y
m a x c o l u m n s i n t a b l e : 1 0 2 4
m a x c o l u m n s i n i n d e x : 1 6
m a x c h a r l i t e r a l l e n : 5 2 4 2 8 8
m a x s t a t e m e n t l e n : 5 2 4 2 8 8
m a x r o w s i z e : 5 2 4 2 8 8|||Additional information for the bcp.exe. I think I find the way to solve my problem.

First, I executed

bcp repl_test..Enclosure out enclosure.bcp /Usa

It only can bulk copy 36188 records out of original 170000 records. So I try non-text native bulk copy with /N switch of bcp.exe

bcp repl_test..Enclosure out enclosure.bcp /Usa /N

With non-text native bulk copy, it can copy all 170000 records successfully. Then, I modify snapshot settings in Enterprise manager to use non-text native mode to create snapshot. The snapshop then can finished successfully!! :)

I am not sure if any side effect to use non-text native snapshot creation for TEXT and IMAGE field. I will double check the result and post it for everyone that interested on this issue.

Thanks for your concern and help!!

Louis|||Hello louisyfwang,

With bcp you can set the batch size ( -b option) so that it commits blocks of rows, and breakes the bulk into multiple transaction instead of attempting to transfer all at once. Essence this is mainly done in large size tables.

Hope this helps.

Jose R.

Originally posted by louisyfwang
Additional information for the bcp.exe. I think I find the way to solve my problem.

First, I executed

bcp repl_test..Enclosure out enclosure.bcp /Usa

It only can bulk copy 36188 records out of original 170000 records. So I try non-text native bulk copy with /N switch of bcp.exe

bcp repl_test..Enclosure out enclosure.bcp /Usa /N

With non-text native bulk copy, it can copy all 170000 records successfully. Then, I modify snapshot settings in Enterprise manager to use non-text native mode to create snapshot. The snapshop then can finished successfully!! :)

I am not sure if any side effect to use non-text native snapshot creation for TEXT and IMAGE field. I will double check the result and post it for everyone that interested on this issue.

Thanks for your concern and help!!

Louis|||Hi Jose,

Thanks for your suggestion. I can use the option of "-b" in the bcp.exe command line. Is there any way to specify this options in snapshot agent? I cannot find any "bcp.exe" command in the agent properties.

Best regards,

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